Armed Forces and Politics in the Bolivarian Revolution


  • Luis Alberto Buttó Simón Bolívar University



Venezuela, Bolivarian Revolution, Hugo Chávez, Venezuelan National Armed Forces, Politicization of Venezuelan National Armed Forces, military colonization of Venezuelan civil service


The set of changes which were introduced in Venezuelan society in February 1999 with the establishment of the Bolivarian Revolution found a privileged expression in the National Armed Forces members’ way of thinking, organization and action, to the point that it significantly impacted the civil‑ military relations model Venezuela implemented during the liberal representative democratic system (1958‑1998). Currently, an emerging type of civil military relations has been established which is mainly marked, by military politicization and the military colonization of Venezuelan civil services. A critical interpretation of this process is the focus of this paper.


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Author Biography

Luis Alberto Buttó, Simón Bolívar University

Professor and researcher at the Social Sciences Department and the Political Science Post grade in Simon Bolivar University, Caracas‑ Venezuela. Ph.D. in History. Master’s degree in Development Planning. Master’s degree in Communication for Defense and Armed Conflicts, Historian. Research interests: Civil‑ Military Relations in Contemporary Venezuela; Security and Defense in Contemporary Latin America; Epistemology of History. To date, he has published over 30 articles in compiled books and scientific journals and over 10 articles in proceedings of scientific congresses. Also, he has participated in more than 40 scientific congresses.


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How to Cite

Buttó, Luis Alberto. 2013. “Armed Forces and Politics in the Bolivarian Revolution”. Politeja 10 (2 (24):163-77.