Poland’s Raison d’etat in the European Union: Enlargement Policy as a Case Study





European Union, member state, raison d’état, enlargement policy


The different views on EU–Polish relations articulated by different political actors in Poland illustrate two opposite approaches toward the shape of the integration process. The ongoing political debate on Poland’s raison d’état (reason of state) in the European Union calls for the necessity to define this notion in the current geopolitical context. In light of recent challenges and declared plans of the European Commission to transform the EU’s foreign policy it seems particularly reasonable to analyze Poland’s raison d’état in reference to the EU’s enlargement policy. Therefore, the major purpose of the article is to define and explain the essence and evolution of Poland’s position on the issue of EU enlargement. To be precise, the case study is concentrated on the developments caused by Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine as a trigger for the reconsideration of the EU’s foreign policy. By doing so, the author makes an attempt to answer the research question on the essence of Poland’s raison d’état as regards further EU enlargement and Polish structural potential to promote its interests and shape the EU’s foreign policy overall.


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Author Biography

Vadym Zheltovskyy, University of Warsaw, Poland

PhD and habilitation in political science (2021), assistant professor. Since 2022 the head of the Warsaw Division of the Polish Association of European Studies. Head of the NCN Miniatura 6 grant (The influence of political leadership on the revision of the European Union’s Eastern policy in the context of the war in Ukraine). Research interests: European integration, the institutional dimension of the EU’s functioning, political leadership, EU-Russia relations, EU institutions towards the Eastern Partnership Policy, the role of political communication in the EU policy-making.


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How to Cite

Zheltovskyy, Vadym. 2024. “Poland’s Raison d’etat in the European Union: Enlargement Policy As a Case Study”. Politeja 21 (1(88/1):89-101. https://doi.org/10.12797/Politeja.20.2024.88.1.06.



Część 1. Reforma ustrojowa Unii Europejskiej (2010-2023)