Rywalizacja mocarstw regionalnych i globalnych w pogrążonej wojną domową Libii





civil war in Libya, the Middle Eastern regional security complex, the influence of external actors, the decomposition of state structures



The aim of the article is to analyse the role that the conflict in Libya plays in the politics of regional and global powers. The theory of regional security complexes was adopted as a theoretical perspective for considerations. The analysis focuses on the impact of threats within the Middle Eastern regional security complex, with particular emphasis on the North Africa sub-complex, and the impact that global powers have on this complex in connection with the conflict in Libya. The research problem under consideration is how the Libyan civil war fits into the architecture of regional security. The conditions of the conflict in Libya, such as the geostrategic location, tribal and regional divisions, weakness and breakdown of state structures, make it easy for both regional and global powers to influence its course. The clear division of the state into two strong and competing political and territorial units means that external actors are forced to take sides and get involved in the internal strife. The involvement of external actors has deepened and perpetuated the existing political, geopolitical and social divisions. Both sides of the conflict, with the support of regional and global powers, are entrenching their positions, stiffening their negotiating stances and thus limiting the chances of reaching a political agreement.


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Author Biography

Jarosław Jarząbek, University of Wrocław, Poland

Doktor habilitowany, profesor Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego (UWr), pracownik Instytutu Studiów Międzynarodowych i Bezpieczeństwa UWr. W pracy badawczej zajmuje się polityką bezpieczeństwa, systemami politycznymi i siłami zbrojnymi państw Bliskiego Wschodu, a także konfliktem izraelsko-palestyńskim. Stypendysta Polsko-Amerykańskiej Komisji Fulbrighta. Dyrektor programowy w programie studiów European Master in Global Studies na Uniwersytecie Wrocławskim.


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How to Cite

Jarząbek, Jarosław. 2024. “Rywalizacja Mocarstw Regionalnych I Globalnych W pogrążonej Wojną Domową Libii”. Politeja 21 (2(89):209-29. https://doi.org/10.12797/Politeja.20.2024.89.10.



International relations in Africa