Granice przestrzeni i granice rzeczywistości w dramacie epickim Jensa Bjørneboe – na podstawie "Til lykke med dagen" (1965)


  • Karolina Drozdowska Uniwersytet Gdański, Gdańsk



Jens Bjørneboe, drama theatre, Norwegian drama, Til lykke med dagen, Bertolt Brecht


The Borders of Space and Reality in Jens Bjørneboe’s Epic Drama – Based on "Til lykke med dagen" (1965)

The aim of this paper is to present the concept of Jens Bjørneboe’s version of epic drama. This phenomenon is explained with the help of a “border”‑criterium, showing how the Norwegian author established, defined and crossed borders on many different levels in his dramatic works and their adaptations on stage. Bjørneboe is presented as an author who not only consciously uses the border‑criterium to manipulate space and reality in his play "Til lykke med dagen", but also expands or even crosses borders of theatrical theories and conventions, mainly Bertolt Brecht’s concepts. His “epic plays” are hybrid in their forms, joining different European traditions and expanding beyond what was common and accepted in the peripheral (both geographically and culturally) Norwegian theatre world of the 1960’s. Jens Bjørneboe is presented as an author of transgression, one of the first “to cast off the Ibsenite leg‑irons”.


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Author Biography

Karolina Drozdowska, Uniwersytet Gdański, Gdańsk

adiunkt w Instytucie Skandynawistyki Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego. Jej zainteresowania naukowe obejmują współczesny norweski dramat oraz wpływy ideologii na literaturę i kulturę. Zajmuje się również przekładem literackim z języka norweskiego, jest członkiem Stowarzyszenia Tłumaczy Literatury oraz Bałtyckiego Stowarzyszenia Tłumaczy.


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How to Cite

Drozdowska, Karolina. 2019. “Granice Przestrzeni I Granice rzeczywistości W Dramacie Epickim Jensa Bjørneboe – Na Podstawie ‘Til Lykke Med Dagen’ (1965)”. Politeja 16 (1(58):405-22.