Polscy parlamentarzyści wobec pandemii COVID-19

Przykład scjentyfikacji debaty politycznej?


  • Marta Hoffmann Jagiellonian University, Kraków




scientification, discourse, constructivism, Covid-19 pandemic



As compared to other complex social processes, scientification of public discourse is a phenomenon which is not well described in social sciences. Frequently, the idea of scientification is understood as methodological changes within social sciences which bring them closer to natural sciences and, in this sense, is related to traditional Positivist approach. In the article, the meaning of the term has been changed in order to describe a situation in which public political discourse is being transformed in such a way that, in effect, it resembles scientific discourse. This change in understanding the meaning of the idea of scientification has been presented on the example of an analysis of Polish MPs’ statements at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic in Poland in 2020.


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Author Biography

Marta Hoffmann, Jagiellonian University, Kraków

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How to Cite

Hoffmann, Marta. 2022. “Polscy parlamentarzyści Wobec Pandemii COVID-19: Przykład Scjentyfikacji Debaty Politycznej?”. Politeja 19 (2(77):253-72. https://doi.org/10.12797/Politeja.19.2022.77.11.