Buying-selling Coffee and Noken as a Way of Proclaiming the Gospel

An Attempt of Inculturation to Indigenous Papuans in the Modio Parish




gospel, inculturation, the people’s economy, inhuman changes, Papuan


The focus of this research is to answer the question of how the Gospel is preached to people who are Indigenous Papuans in the Modio Parish. This research was made by being directly involved in the inculturation effort. This research uses a qualitative method by carrying out a process of participatory observation and involvement as ‘insiders,’ and the data is analyzed phenomenologically hermeneutics. The results obtained from this research are preaching the Gospel through efforts to develop the people’s economy based on the reality of the people’s attachment to the land and its forest products, especially by buying-selling coffee and noken. The people are involved in this economic development program with enthusiasm because this effort has answered their longing for salvation in accordance with the challenges of everyday life.


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How to Cite

Kira, B., & Martasudjita, E. P. D. (2023). Buying-selling Coffee and Noken as a Way of Proclaiming the Gospel : An Attempt of Inculturation to Indigenous Papuans in the Modio Parish. Intercultural Relations, 7(2(14), 132–147.