Wielogłos portugalskiego Południa

Cante alentejano i jego współczesne interpretacje


  • Karolina Golemo Institute of Intercultural Studies, Jagiellonian University, Poland image/svg+xml




cante alentejano, Portugal, traditional music, identity



The article presents cante alentejano (a multi-part singing form from Alentejo) as a manifestation of cultural identity of the inhabitants of the Portuguese region. It succinctly illustrates the origins and development process of the genre, as well its present situation. The transformations of cante (in terms of its definition, practice, promotion, and „use”) are shown in relation to the contemporary socio-cultural realities of the region. The article also addresses the references to cante alentejano in the works of contemporary artists who are active nationally and internationally, recognized by a wide audience, and originating from other musical traditions (e.g., fado or pop). The article also indicates possible directions for further research on this cultural phenomenon.


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How to Cite

Golemo, K. (2024). Wielogłos portugalskiego Południa: Cante alentejano i jego współczesne interpretacje. Intercultural Relations, 8(1(15). https://doi.org/10.12797/RM.01.2024.15.09