Peripheral Electronic Music
An Ethnographic Study of Rock Doido Parties in Northern Brazil
Popular music, Electronic Music, Sound Systems, Brazilian Electronic Music, Globo-peripheral MusicAbstract
Tecnobrega is a peripheral electronic music produced since the 2000s in the state of Pará, in northern Brazil. It is marked by the mix of traditional local romantic music, the rhythms from the Caribbean and electronic music globalized by the spread of recording technologies. In the last decade, the tecnobrega unfolded in several rhythm variants. This work presents an ethnography of parties related to new trend called ‘rock doido,’ the main current phenomenon of electronic music in Pará, both due to the size of the parties and the reach in digital media. The article presents the results of field research that were carried out in two events that took place in the city of Belém (capital of Pará state) in 2023. The first experience takes place at the Crocodilo Sound System Party, which focuses on the execution of the repertoire of rock doido. The second is a presentation by DJ Lorran, the main name of the rock doido in Pará today. The research also cross-discusses the spread of Pará production in the context of global-peripheral electronic music, enhanced by digital tools such as YouTube and social media.
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