Ci, którzy odchodzą z Omelas, a ci, którzy odwracają się od Katalonii
Dążenia niepodległościowe Katalończyków w kontekście politycznych praw człowieka
Catalonia, separatism, human rightsAbstract
Those Who Walk Away from Omelas and Those Who Turn Away from Catalonia. Catalan Independence Aspirations in the Context of Political Human Rights
Symbols of the independence movement − whether in the form of yellow ribbons, attached to clothes by the inhabitants of Catalonia or slogans, painted on the facades of buildings and calling for the restoration of freedom of those detained after the referendum of autumn 2017 − have become an almost integral part of Barcelona, photographed by foreign tourists with no smaller the frequency than architectural works of Antonio Gaudi. The fact that so-called “Catalan case” arouses growing interest of external observers, became possible not only thanks to the activities of the separatists themselves, who try to draw the attention of the international community, but also due to legal, ethical and moral doubts that constitute not background, but rather the first plan of Spanish-Catalan political struggles.
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