From Intermarium to the Three Seas Initiative - Regional Integrations in Central and Eastern Europe and the Hungarian Foreign Policy


  • Andrea Schmidt University of Pecs



foreign policy, borders, regional integration


From Intermarium to the Three Seas Initiative - Regional Integrations in Central and Eastern Europe and the Hungarian Foreign Policy

The aim of the paper is to examine the harmony between the Polish and the Hungarian foreign policy from the early 20th century to the recent decades. Due to their special geographical position both states experienced threats and challenges in the examined period, however their approach to the above was different. Poland was focusing on the problem of the rebirth of the divided state and the uncertainty regarding its borders while Hungary had to struggle with the peaceful revision of the lost territories. Being located between two ambitious great powers Poland and Hungary had to find balance between German and Russian (Soviet) aspirations that influenced the foreign policy of both states. This paper treats Poland as a reference point and examines the Hungarian struggles from this approach. The paper also gives an outline definition of the meaning of borders and their importance in Central and Eastern European region.


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Author Biography

Andrea Schmidt, University of Pecs

Is Asssociate Professor at the University of Pecs, Department of Political Science and International Studies and former Visiting Lecturer of the Josai Institute for Central European Studies Josai International University, Tokyo, Japan, Jagiellonian University, Poland, Warsaw University, Poland, and Visiting Lecturer at Ivan Franko National University in L’viv. She holds dual MA from the Central European University, Budapest and the New York State University, Albany, the MSc degree from Budapest Business School and a PhD on Political Science from the University of Pecs. She specializes on International Political Economy and Comparative Political Studies of the Central and Eastern European region. She is author of several articles and book chapters related to Central and Eastern European and post-Soviet region.


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How to Cite

Schmidt, Andrea. 2017. “From Intermarium to the Three Seas Initiative - Regional Integrations in Central and Eastern Europe and the Hungarian Foreign Policy”. Politeja 14 (6(51):165-89.

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