Strategic Goals of Energy Security Policy of the Federal Republic of Germany
Federal Republic of Germany, energy policy, security of supply, Nord StreamAbstract
The aim of the article is to analyse the strategic goals of energy security of the Federal Republic of Germany in the context of foreign policy. The author hypothesizes that achieving the strategic goals of the energy policy of the Federal Republic of Germany depends on its energy partnerships. Therefore, the following research questions are considered: First, what are the goals of German foreign policy in the context of international power play? Second, what are the internal and external goals of energy policy of Germany? Third, what is the role of Germany’s strategic partnerships in the context of pursuing the goals of its energy security? The author also presents the structure of Germany’s energy balance to illustrate the importance of particular energy resources and the sources and directions of their supply. The answers to those questions will provide the context for strategic energy partnerships between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Russian Federation. Given the specificity of German policy, the author will apply the geo-economic approach. The system analysis method and the component method will also be used. Conclusions and potential scenarios will be based on the forecasting technique.
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