Czarnobyl w strefie postpamięci

O narracji przewodnickiej Aleksandra Siroty – „Mera” Prypeci


  • Anna Duda Uniwersytet Jagielloński



Chernobyl Exclusive Zone (CEZ), Pripyat, postmemory, tourism of difficult heritage


Chernobyl in the Postmemory Zone. The Guide Narration of Alexander Sirota – „the Mayor” of Pripyat

The goal of this article is to show how the memory of Chernobyl catastrophe is being reconstructed and later pass on by the guide with his narration. The example of Aleksander Sirota and his mother will show how big of a factor in constructing memory of a ‘second generation’ is played by post‑traumatic creation of a close person, as well as accumulated video recordings and photographies taken before the accident. Also, comperative approach of confronting photos with authentic ‘forgotten’ space of Pripyat city used by the tour guide will allow us to understand the level of influence in which visual aspect can affect reinterpretation of abandoned heritage. The same can be said of actual presence of a tourist in such environment and its effect on alteration of the memory of the event. The activity of Aleksander Sirota presented in this article will allow us to look at Chernobyl catastrophe through the lens of post‑memory discourse and will reveal how multilayered research issue it really is.


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Author Biography

Anna Duda, Uniwersytet Jagielloński

Absolwentka kulturoznawstwa międzynarodowego oraz zarządzania kulturą na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim w Krakowie. Obecnie studentka Wydziałowych Kulturoznawczych Studiów Doktoranckich tegoż. Interesuje się zagadnieniami z obszaru antropologii turystyki.


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How to Cite

Duda, Anna. 2017. “Czarnobyl W Strefie postpamięci: O Narracji Przewodnickiej Aleksandra Siroty – „Mera” Prypeci”. Politeja 14 (2(47):201-13.