The Concept of Sovereignty in Transatlantic Relations

New Realities versus the Old Debate


  • Małgorzata Zachara Jagiellonian University



sovereignty, international relations, globalization


Few subjects in the theory and practice of international relations are as sensitive and widely discussed as the meaning of sovereignty. Concentrating on transatlantic perspecive, this article adds new evidence to the fundamental debate on the nature of sovereign authority in the international system. Many trans‑national economic and technological forces encourage the state to retreat from its traditional role. On the other hand, economic integration, monetary unification and the development of modern economies and cutting‑edge technologies – the assets of partners of the Transatlantic Alliance – are possible only in stable political systems. So, are we witnessing the end of sovereignty or just a phase in history in which relations of power between political authorities, nations, groups of interests and individuals must be negotiated in order to create a new model of governa nce in a complex world?


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Author Biography

Małgorzata Zachara, Jagiellonian University

An associate professor in the Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora, Jagiellonian University, Author of Mechanizmy wpływu w środowisku międzynarodowym. Zastosowanie CoG (Centre of Gravity) do analizy pro­cesów decyzyjnych w sprawach globalnych [Mechanisms of Influence in the International Sphere. Use of CoG (Centre of Gravity) to the Analysis of the Decision-Making Process in the Global Affairs] (Kraków 2015), Global governance. Ład międzynarodowy po zakończeniu stulecia Ameryki [Global Governance. International Order after the End of the American Century] (Kraków 2012), Broń i dyplomacja. Eksport uzbrojenia w po­lityce zagranicznej Stanów Zjednoczonych [Arms and Diplomacy. The Export of Armaments in US Foreign Policy] (Kraków 2010).


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How to Cite

Zachara, Małgorzata. 2017. “The Concept of Sovereignty in Transatlantic Relations: New Realities Versus the Old Debate”. Politeja 14 (1(46):283-305.




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