Democracy tempered by Aristocracy: rethinking an old idea


  • Andreas Kinneging University of Leiden



democracy, aristocracy, aristocratic ethos, idea of gentility, virtue theory, rulership, leadership


This article retakes an argument that has ancient roots, but is nowadays largely forgotten, namely that democracy, to be viable and stable, stands in need of aristocratic checks. First of all, institutional checks, like an Upper House in Parliament, and a professional judiciary. But more importantly – and that is what the article focuses on – an aristocratic ethos in the rulership or leadership. The tradition of reflection on the aristocratic ethos, going back to antiquity, is described, including the virtue theory it propounds. Finally, an overview is given of the traditional ideas on how to create and ensure the influence of the aristocratic ethos over the rulers or leaders.


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Author Biography

Andreas Kinneging, University of Leiden

Has an M.A. in political science from the University of Nijmegen, and a Ph.D in law from the University of Leiden. His Ph.D dissertation also appeared as a book, entitled Aristocracy, Antiquity, and History (Brunswick, N.J. 1994). He holds the Chair in Legal Philosophy at the Law Faculty of the University of Leiden. His main fields of interest are legal and political theory, ethics, constitutional theory, history of ideas, and constitutional law. He published in all of these fields. He authored six books in total, and edited sixteen books, among which the first complete Dutch translation of Tocqueville’s Democracy in America and the three volumes of the English translation of Nicolai Hartmann’s seminal work Ethics. His book Geografie van Goed en Kwaad (Utrecht 2005) was awarded the Socrates-prize 2006, for the best Dutch book of the year in the field of philosophy. In 2009 an English translation appeared under the title Geography of Good and Evil. He is an award winning teacher.


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How to Cite

Kinneging, Andreas. 2016. “Democracy Tempered by Aristocracy: Rethinking an Old Idea”. Politeja 13 (45):5-25.


