Rosyjskie inicjatywy w sferze zarządzania Internetem
internet governance, internet regulation, information security of Russia, ICANN, International Telecommunication UnionAbstract
Internet governance initiatives of Russia
The article is devoted to research of Russian initiatives concerning its participation in international system of Internet governance. In the research, conceptual and theoretic basis for participation of state governments in Internet governance is given, academic discourse of this issue is assessed, the review of main Russian initiatives made from 2005 (since the second stage of the World Summit on Information Society) till the present day is carried out. The conclusion is made that the most successful internet governance initiative of Russia is the implementation of Cyrillic top level domains. Much less successful are Russian attempts to reconstruct existing organizational structure of internet governance. Russian policy is assessed as a policy of preferring loud statements and PR rather than real influence on development of internet technologies. Russia considers Internet as a political resource and tries to increase its influence on decision making process on a political, not operational level of Internet governance.
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