Approximating Macedonian Legislation to the EU’s Acquis


  • Inga Kawka Pedagogical University of Cracow



Macedonia, EU accession standards, approximation of law, stabilisation and association process, enlargement


The Republic of Macedonia has to a large extent adapted its legislation to EU requirements. In the framework of the High Level Accession Dialogue, the country continues further activities in that regard in order to meet the political and economic criteria of EU accession. Apart from respecting the Copenhagen criteria, Macedonia’s goodneighbourly relations with all the EU Member States have proved an important factor, hence the necessary strengthening of its regional cooperationand bilateral relations with Greece and Bulgaria.


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Author Biography

Inga Kawka, Pedagogical University of Cracow

Is an assistant professor at the Chair of Law and Administrative Sciences, Pedagogical University of Krakow, and an author of several dozen scientific contributions in the field of EU law and public commercial law, including the books: Telekomunikacyjne organy regulacyjne w Unii Europejskiej [Telecommunications regu-latory bodies in the European Union] and Zasady dobrego rządzenia w prawie Unii Europejskiej. Sektory infrastrukturalne [Principles of good governance in EU law. Infrastructural sectors]; Dr. Kawka has been a recipient of bursaries at such academic centres as King’s College in London and Aix-Marseille University as well as of a prize awarded by the Foundation for the Promotion of European Law.


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How to Cite

Kawka, Inga. 2014. “Approximating Macedonian Legislation to the EU’s Acquis”. Politeja 11 (4 (30):175-89.