Creative Spaces where Cultures Meet: Between Theory and Practice


  • Alina Betlej John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin



creative spaces where cultures meet, urban creativity, urban imagination, social change


The aim of this paper is to explore the concept of creative spaces where cultures meet. The empirical material subjected to analysis consists of the results of interviews conducted with cultural managers. The qualitative analysis is extended by a sociological approach based on literature criticism and the analytical-synthetic method. The main question posed is how creativity is experienced by cultural managers who organize cultural events in specific spaces related to the concept of multicultural dialogue. Creativity is considered both as a subjective property and as a social construct that is context-dependent. The paper argues that norms and values influence the experience of urban creativity and that creative endeavors can influence the social and economic development of a city. The paper explores the relationship between culture and creativity in space and assesses its creative potential. In particular, the results may help to shape theoretical consensus on the function of creativity at intercultural meeting points in the process of social change.


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Author Biography

Alina Betlej, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

PhD, sociologist, works at the Institute of Sociological Sciences of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. She is interested in sociology of the Internet and sociology of economy, particularly in the social evaluation of new technologies, transformations of structures, institutions, social patterns, values in the network society, future scenarios, sustainable development, network conditions of economic development.


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2021-12-15 — Updated on 2022-02-25


How to Cite

Betlej, Alina. (2021) 2022. “Creative Spaces Where Cultures Meet: Between Theory and Practice”. Politeja 18 (5(74):145-62.

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