Tożsamość w czasach zmiany

Polska lokalna w procesie integracji europejskiej


  • Paweł Kubicki Uniwersytet Jagielloński



identity, local community, social memory, European integration, social change


Social identity in times of change. Local Poland in the process of European integration

The article concerns the problem of dynamics of collective identities in local Poland after the accession to the European Union in 2004. The conclusions presented in the article are based on the results of field research conducted in 2012‑2014, within six municipalities in three different regions. The author focuses primarily on the analysis of the symbolic frame of reference in local Poland, which are the defining reason for action of social actors. The article examines three key variables affecting the formation of new symbolic frames of reference: the impact of EU funds on the local community, the role of local social memory and the social and cultural capital. The author concludes that, despite the fact that the changing symbolic frame of reference are creating the possibility to redefine the traditional identity in local Poland, as a result of mass migration there are no social actors who would be leaders of the change. The author’s primary focus is the analysis of the symbolic frames of reference in local Poland, which can only be described as dynamic and ever‑changing, and as such constituting the defining reason for social actors’ action. In the conclusion the author states that, despite the changes in the symbolic frames of reference, as well as the possibility of redefining the traditional identities in the local Poland, due to the mass migration there are no social actors suitable for leading the change.


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Author Biography

Paweł Kubicki, Uniwersytet Jagielloński

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How to Cite

Kubicki, Paweł. 2015. “Tożsamość W Czasach Zmiany: Polska Lokalna W Procesie Integracji Europejskiej”. Politeja 12 (1 (33):83-109.