Lizbona – miasto zawłaszczone

Do kogo należy dzisiaj portugalska stolica?


  • Karolina Golemo Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie



Lisbon, urban tourism, tourism gentrification, touristification, social protest


Lisbon – A City Taken Over. Who Does the Portuguese Capital Belong to?

Dynamic development of tourism is a force transforming many of today’s cities. Changes caused by growing tourism mobility are visible at different levels: economic (imbalance of housing market, increasing prices), socio-cultural (gentrification and its consequences: change of inhabitants’ profiles, new neighborhood relations, new styles of consumption) and aesthetic-symbolic (intervention in urban landscapes through modernization and reorganization of traditional spaces). As an answer to these processes different forms of social protest appear against the uncontrolled development of mass tourism. The aim of this paper is to show the dynamics between the inhabitants of historical zones of Lisbon and visitors, as well as to explain the consequences of touristification on social relations in urban space.


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How to Cite

Golemo, Karolina. 2019. “Lizbona – Miasto zawłaszczone : Do Kogo należy Dzisiaj Portugalska Stolica?”. Politeja 16 (4(61):85-109.