Pojęcie oraz techniczny wymiar autonomii strategicznej Unii Europejskiej

Przykład polityki kosmicznej





strategic autonomy, space policy, Common Security and Defence Policy, European Union, European Union space programme



The author of the article addresses the issue of strategic autonomy of the European Union. He points out the origin of the term in French defence policy and its further evolution into the open strategic autonomy within the European Union. The author then analyses the development of the various elements of the EU Space Strategy, and consequently attempts to answer the question of whether and to what extent, in light of past experience, the European Union, is able to become autonomous in the field of its activity in space. The author concludes that the European Union does not, as yet, have the full capacity to develop its competence in space security and defence on its own. Meanwhile, Europe should both as the EU and NATO significantly expand its strategic space capabilities with the goal of moving closer to becoming an equal partner, but not a rival, to the United States. It should become fully independent of a self-isolating Russia, and ensure its autonomy from new Asian space powers like China and India. Unlike Russia, this does not preclude cooperation in the scientific field or the prudent use and provision of commercial services.


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Author Biography

Bartosz Smolik, University of Wrocław, Poland

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How to Cite

Smolik, Bartosz. 2024. “Pojęcie Oraz Techniczny Wymiar Autonomii Strategicznej Unii Europejskiej: Przykład Polityki Kosmicznej”. Politeja 21 (1(88/2):259-71. https://doi.org/10.12797/Politeja.20.2024.88.2.17.



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