Wysiłki polityczne Somalii o przyjęcie do Wspólnoty Wschodnioafrykańskiej (EAC) jako znaczący krok na rzecz procesu stabilizacji państwa i regionu
East African Community, East Africa, Somalia, regionalismAbstract
On 31 May 2023, the Extraordinary Summit of Heads of State of the East African Community (EAC) adopted the report on the verification of the accession application of the Federal Republic of Somalia, while deciding to start accession negotiations with immediate effect. The purpose of this article is to attempt to assess this decision, in the context of the admission of one of the world’s most unstable states to a sub-regional organisation that is considered the most advanced in achieving integration goals across the African continent. Due to the fact that Somalia became a member of the Community on 15 December 2023 – almost simultaneously with the submission of this text – an objective assessment of the impact of this decision is not yet possible, but it is possible to attempt to answer questions concerning the political and economic objectives of the accession process undertaken, as well as the potential consequences of its positive implementation.
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