Areas of Political – IR – IL Research on the Values and Rules-Based International Order, and the Opportunities for Theorizing the Phenomenon




international law, international order, international relations, political science, political theory, rules, values


The article discusses a special type of modern structured international order, which is called the values and rules-based international order (VRBIO) and indicates potential lines of inter- and trans-disciplinary research on this phenomenon. The paper provides a joint political–IR–IL scientific description and explanation, basing on structural-functional approach. Among others, it addresses such issues as the nature and structure of VRBIO; classes of factors that form the “backbone” of VRBIO; the complexity of the international phenomenon. The article presents a wide range of research subjects concerning VRBIO, and multiplicity of topics and avenues to be taken in order to effectively deal with this complex phenomenon.


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How to Cite

Obacz, Piotr, Marianna Gladysh, Jakub Kłodowski, Brygida Kuźniak, Vasyl Repetskyy, Edyta Chwiej, Marcin Kasperkowiak, Hanna Korzonek, Viktoriya Malyga, and Ihor Zeman. 2024. “Areas of Political – IR – IL Research on the Values and Rules-Based International Order, and the Opportunities for Theorizing the Phenomenon”. Politeja 21 (3(90):395-416.



Political Theory

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