The Relationship between Natural and Statutory Law in Ancient and Medieval Concepts


  • Marek Maciejewski University of Wrocław



Nature, natural law, statutory law, positive law, validity of law


The article discusses the shaping of the relation between natural and statutory law in the philosophical, political and legal concepts from the Antiquity until the Middle Ages. Firstly, the author analyzes the views of a sophist – Aristotle, and Stoics – Saint Augustine of Hippo and Saint Thomas Aquinas in order to identify on their basis the main principles concerning the matter at hand. His research permitted him to conclude that during the mentioned period the prevailing conviction was that statutory law (positive law) should not violate natural law (and sometimes simultaneously God`s law) because the latter was perceived as a higher legal order. Statutory law that conflicted with the higher law was usually considered invalid and – as such – not creating the obligation of obedience. It was also considered unjust. For Christian thinkers God himself was the creator of principles of justice; therefore that law which came directly from him was put at the top of the legal structure. Natural law was seen as mirroring this law of God. In turn, statutory law was supposed to reflect the rules of natural law.


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Author Biography

Marek Maciejewski, University of Wrocław

Profesor ordinarius of juridical science, academic teacher in the Chair of Political and Legal Doctrines at the Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics of the University of Wrocław and in the Chair of History of State and Law and Political and Legal Doctrines at the Faculty of Law and Administration of Opole University. Subjects of academic research and courses taught: political and legal doctrines, political philosophy, history of philosophy, social history, political and legal aspects of national security, history of Polish and German relations. Author and coauthor of approximately 380 publications in Polish, English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Ukrainian.


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How to Cite

Maciejewski, Marek. 2017. “The Relationship Between Natural and Statutory Law in Ancient and Medieval Concepts”. Politeja 14 (3(48):5-22.


