Historical and Current Geopolitical Positioning of Ukraine: Is It Central or Eastern Europe?


  • Anatolii Romaniuk Ivan Franko Lviv National University
  • Vitalii Lytvyn Ivan Franko Lviv National University




Ukraine, Europe, sub‑region, geopolitical positioning, Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Central‑Eastern Europe


The academic paper is focused on developing historical and current geopolitical positioning of Ukraine in Europe. The scholars have attempted to solve the problem of affiliation of Ukraine to a specific sub‑region of Europe – Central and/or Eastern. It has been reasoned and argued that on the map of the European sub‑regions, Ukraine occupies an extremely specific and mixed position, as its affiliation to any certain sub‑region has always been historically and geopolitically determined, however it largely correlates with some attributes inherent both to Central and Eastern Europe. In conclusion it has been specified that Ukraine, being a boundary country, is characterized by a paradoxical geopolitical position and inconstant nature of its geopolitical projection within the frames of the sub‑regions in Central and Eastern Europe.


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Author Biographies

Anatolii Romaniuk, Ivan Franko Lviv National University

Full Professor and Head of the Department of Political Science of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine. He specializes in contemporary political systems, political institutions, parties and party systems, elections and electoral systems, electoral campaigns, modern political doctrines, evolution of political institutions. The researcher holds PhD and ScD degrees in Political Science from Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. His ScD thesis is devoted to comparative analysis of political institutions in Western Europe. The scientist is the author of about 120 scientific works, the main of which are the books Comparative analysis of political systems in Western Europe: institutional dimension (2004), Comparative analysis of political institutions in Western Europe (2007), The history of Western political doctrines: political doctrines of the XX and early XXI centuries (2011), Political Institutions of Central and Eastern European Countries: a Comparative Analysis (2014), Comparative Analysis of Political Institutions of the Visegrad Group and Other Central and Eastern European Countries (2016).

Vitalii Lytvyn, Ivan Franko Lviv National University

Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine. He specializes in contemporary world political regimes, political institutions and processes, parties and party systems, elections and electoral systems, European political institutions, forms and systems of government, semi‑presidential system of government. The researcher holds a PhD degree in Political Science from Ivan Franko National University of Lviv with the thesis devoted to cabinet stability in Central European countries. He also holds a ScD degree in Political Science with the thesis devoted to semi‑presidential system of government in European countries. The scientist is the author of more than 80 scientific works, the main of which are Contemporary Political Regimes: Institutional and Procedural Dimensions of Analysis (2014), Political Institutions of Central and Eastern European Countries: a Comparative Analysis (2014), Comparative Analysis of Political Institutions of the Visegrad Group and Other Central and Eastern European Countries (2016) and Attributes and Varieties of Semi‑Presidential System of Government in Europe: Institutional, Procedural, Political and Behavioral Aspects (2018).


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How to Cite

Romaniuk, Anatolii, and Vitalii Lytvyn. 2018. “Historical and Current Geopolitical Positioning of Ukraine: Is It Central or Eastern Europe?”. Politeja 15 (6(57):149-67. https://doi.org/10.12797/Politeja.15.2018.57.09.