From the Green movement to a party

The effect of the crisis and democratic movements in Hungary


  • Viktor Glied University of Pécs


Słowa kluczowe:

crisis, new democratic movements, protest activity, Hungary


General political, economic and moral crises began in Hungary in 2006, after the prime minister’s speech about the real state of the Hungarian economy was delivered. Fidesz, the then largest opposition party refused any further cooperation with the government and started to attack the governing socialist‑liberal coalition. After four years of permanent campaign against the socialists, Fidesz won the elections in 2010 and started to rearrange the whole political and social system in Hungary. Parallel to that, the appearance of social movements in Hungary can clearly be understood as a reply to crisis phenomena, whether they are left‑leaning organisations, green‑ecological, critical of globalisation (“globcrit”) or far‑right, fascistoid groups and networks. One part of the green‑ecologial movement was formed into a party and was named as Politics Can Be Different (LMP), but after 2010 other organizations appeared such as Szolidaritás, an organisation established with reference to the Polish example, with a trade union background, Milla (One Million for Press Freedom), 4K (Movement for the Fourth Republic) and HaHa (Students’ Network), the Hungarian Two‑tailed Dog Party (MKKP) and the Hungarian Pirate Party.


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Viktor Glied - University of Pécs

Was born in Szekszárd, Hungary in 1978. He graduated as a historian and political scientist in 2005. He is an assistant professor at University of Pécs, Department of Political Sciences and International Studies. His research interest is the civil society, civil (NGO) networks; the role of civil organizations in the decision making; the green movement and green parties; the process and backround of environmental conflicts, migration and multicultiralism.


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Jak cytować

Glied, Viktor. 2014. „From the Green Movement to a Party: The Effect of the Crisis and Democratic Movements in Hungary”. Politeja 11 (2(28):31-61.


