Artistic Talent in the Dubay Family over Four Generations


  • Ľuba Kráľová Slovacʹkyj narodnyj muzej – Muzej rusinʹskoj kultury v Prâšovі



fine art, Dubaj family, oral history, Rusyn artists, family tree


This paper is devoted to the Dubay family, founded by Dezider, a Greek Catholic priest from Orjabyna in the district of Stará Ľubovňa, and Anna, née Kalynjakova, from Vyšnij Mirošiv in the district of Svidník in Slovakia. Dezider and Anna got married in 1909 and had seven children. In 1920, Dezider went to the USA, to Pennsylvania, where he served as a Greek Catholic priest for the Rusyns living there. The money he sent to his family Anna invested in the education of their seven children: Myhal, Dezider, Marta, Pavel, Ladislav, Anna and Orest. In the interwar period, all Dubay children graduated from Mukachevo or Prešov eight-year junior high school, and then four of them graduated from Charles University in Prague, two from Comenius University in Bratislava, and Orest graduated from the Slovak Technical University. With their higher education, the six children of Dezider and Anna Dubay became important social representatives of post-war Slovakia. The article describes the artistic talent in the families of three of Anna and Dezider’s seven children. The material on which the paper is based was obtained from interviews with their grandchildren, who currently live in Prague, Bratislava, Košice and Prešov. The research, which was conducted for over two years among the third generation of the Dubay family, revealed a lot of previously unpublished information about the lives of its members.

Author Biography

Ľuba Kráľová, Slovacʹkyj narodnyj muzej – Muzej rusinʹskoj kultury v Prâšovі

Dr – absolwentka Wydziału Filozoficznego Uniwersytetu Kijowskiego, Wydziału Filozoficznego Uniwersytetu Karola w Pradze, Wydziału Filozoficznego i Instytutu Języka i Kultury Rusińskiej Uniwersytetu Šafárika w Preszowie. Doktorat z socjologii uzyskała na Uniwersytecie Masaryka w Brnie. Autorka ponad 70 naukowych i popularnonaukowych publikacji; korektorka przekładu z języka francuskiego: Rozprava o politickej vede 1: Politická veda ako spoločenská veda. Politický poriadok (1999); redaktorka monografii zbiorowych i zbiorów naukowych: Rodina v spoločenských premenách Slovenskа (2001), Aktuálne otázky verejnej politiky (2006), Genéza a tvorba verejnej politiky na Slovensku (2008); podręczników: Vybrané kapitoly zo sociológie (1996, 2006), Politika, náboženstvo, rodina ako sociálne inštitúcie (2009); autorka monografii: Sociálne inštitúcie (politika, náboženstvo, rodina) (2007), Čemerica IV – Záverečná správa z terénneho sociologického výskumu s názvom: Zisťovanie bariér sebareflexie vlastnej identity u Rusínov a ich súvislosť s (ne) uplatňovaním garantovaných ľudských práv na Slovensku (2015). Obecnie jest dyrektorką SMN – Muzeum Kultury Rusińskiej w Preszowie.


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How to Cite

Kráľová, Ľuba. (2023). Artistic Talent in the Dubay Family over Four Generations. Rocznik Ruskiej Bursy, 19, 263–298.



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