Dues mirades poloneses sobre l’escriptura de Jaume Cabré: les traduccions d’Anna Sawicka i Barbara Łuczak del relat “Opus pòstum”





contemporary Catalan short narrative, Jaume Cabré, descriptive translation analysis, Polish as a target language, polysystem theory



In the present study, two translations of Jaume Cabré’s short story “Opus pòstum” (Winter Journey, 2000) published in Polish by Anna Sawicka and Barbara Łuczak, respectively, are analyzed. In accordance with the dominant that sets the orientation of the reading of the story, it will focus, on the one hand, on the expressions that denote movement (displacement, gesture) and spatiality, and, on the other, on the radical changes of tone and register that colloquialisms and vulgarisms imply. To proceed with the comparative analysis of the ST and the two TT, a series of translation techniques will be used, but the descriptive perspective of the analysis of literary translations specific to the theory of polysystems will also be applied, and specifically of the so-called “Manipulation School.” The study shows that each of the translators executes a different strategy (domestication, Sawicka; foreignization, Łuczak), but that both are complementary in terms of the potential readings of the text if we take into account Cabré’s position within the literary system and the aesthetic ideologies that have conditioned it.

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How to Cite

Gregori, Alfons. 2022. “Dues Mirades Poloneses Sobre l’escriptura De Jaume Cabré: Les Traduccions d’Anna Sawicka I Barbara Łuczak Del Relat ‘Opus pòstum’”. Studia Iberica (Studia Iberystyczne) 22 (December):135-56. https://doi.org/10.12797/SI.22.2022.22.07.