Miła nie taka miła – satyryczne elementy w cantigas de amigo





cantiga de amigo, galician-portuguese lyric, troubadours, escarnio de amigo



Even though the cantiga de amigo is an emblematic element of Galician-Portuguese poetry, and we even have several translations of songs belonging to this genre in the Polish language, they remain quite poorly studied, and their picture is sometimes greatly simplified. The purpose of this article is to draw attention to those songs about a lover that contain satirical-humorous elements, to propose some changes in their genological classification, and to draw attention to the heterogeneous nature of the love lyric of Galician troubadours. The article is accompanied by poetic and philological translations of Galician-Portuguese songs never translated into Polish.

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How to Cite

Merdała, Jakub. 2022. “Miła Nie Taka miła – Satyryczne Elementy W Cantigas De Amigo”. Studia Iberica (Studia Iberystyczne) 22 (December):171-202. https://doi.org/10.12797/SI.22.2022.22.09.