Fanfiction jako przypis – amatorska twórczość literacka na marginesie popkultury


  • Dorota Pudo Jagiellonian University, Kraków



fanfiction, amateur literature, pop culture


Fanfiction as a Footnote – Amateur Literary Work on the Margins of Pop Culture Fanfiction, amateur literature based on the works of pop culture, has been an important part of the activity and culture of fans of different fictional works - books, comics, films and series - since the 1970s. Its marginal nature is visible in the very method of publication and distribution - it is unofficially and anonymously placed on niche websites. It does not profit anyone or enjoy the recognition of anyone, except for a small circle of other fans. It can be understood as a footnote to pop culture, as it is primarily a testimony of reception, a work that exists only in relation to the original that inspired it, and to other fanfictions. The paradox of this phenomenon is that this imitation does not exclude creativity and transformation of meanings, and the intellectual distance needed to create and receive it coexists with emotional intensity.

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How to Cite

Pudo, Dorota. 2022. “Fanfiction Jako Przypis – Amatorska twórczość Literacka Na Marginesie Popkultury”. Studia Iberica (Studia Iberystyczne) 22 (December):287-314.