Ustrojowe uwarunkowania funkcjonowania partii politycznych we Francji i ich konsekwencje dla sceny politycznej


  • Anna Pacześniak Uniwersytet Wrocławski



French party system, political parties, semi-presidentialism, French Fifth Republic


Systemic Conditions of Functioning of Political Parties in France and Their Consequences for the Political Scenario

he aim of the article is to discuss the framework of the semi-presidential system of government, which directly or indirectly affects the functioning of political parties and the format of the French party system. These factors include a strong and active presidency, the hierarchical dualism of executive power, the institution of referendum, the majority electoral law and the weak systemic position of the parliament. The author points out that although the entry into force of the Constitution of the Fifth French Republic in 1958 significantly reshaped the position and role of political parties, institutional factors were not conducive for their functioning. Political parties reacted with active political strategies and managed to consolidate their systemic position, and voter behaviour confirmed that deep-rooted political cleavages are still important in the contemporary political scenario.


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Author Biography

Anna Pacześniak, Uniwersytet Wrocławski

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How to Cite

Pacześniak, Anna. 2020. “Ustrojowe Uwarunkowania Funkcjonowania Partii Politycznych We Francji I Ich Konsekwencje Dla Sceny Politycznej”. Politeja 17 (1(64):123-41.