A Platform on the Future Yugoslav Community (Izetbegovic- Gligorov Plan)

A View from the Perspective of Bosnia and Herzegovina


  • Vera Katz University of Sarajevo




Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Alija Izetbegovic, Kiro Gligorov, Izetbegovic-Gligorov Plan, Plan of Asymmetrical Federation


A platform on the future Yugoslav community or the Izetbegovic-Gligorov Plan offered one of the options in searching of the possibilities for the organization of relating among the Yugoslav republics with the aim to avoid the war conflicts in a general disintegration of the party, political, economic and state system of the Socialistic Federative Republic of Yugoslavia. The platform was based on the principle 2+2+2 and projected an asymmetric federation or confederation, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia were semi independent but sovereign republics, and Croatia and Slovenia were as sovereign and autonomous within the confederation as they considered to be necessary. However, the suggestion option could not reconcile the confronting political stances of Slovenia and Croatia on one and Serbia, Montenegro on the other side. The national interests which led to the creation of independent states were much stronger than the possibilities of reorganization of the Yugoslav federation into a modern European state.


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Author Biography

Vera Katz, University of Sarajevo

Scientific Associate of the Institute of History – University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Her PhD from University of Sarajevo is in social, politic, cultural and economic history after the Second World War. Her research has been focused on Bosnian and Herzegovinian history during the twentieth century. Some of her new bibliography units include: ‘Tito and National Question in Bosnia and Herzegovina’ in Facing the Past, Searching for the Future: The History of Yugoslavia in the 20th Century, The Hague–Novi Sad–Sremska Kamenica, 2010, pp. 391-400; ‘Several Examples of the Ideological Use of “People’s Enlightenment” in Herzegovina 1945-1952’ inI. Lučić (ed.), Hum and Herzegovina through the History, Zagreb 2011, pp. 509-529; Društvenii ekonomski razvoj BosneiHercegovine 1945-1953, Sarajevo 2011; ‘Recent Developments in the Historiography of Bosnia and Herzegovina Relating to the Ottoman Empire and their Impact on History Textbooks’ in J. Nielsen, Religion, Ethnicity and Contested Nationhood in the Former Ottoman Space, Leiden–Boston 2012, pp. 249-269; ‘The Introduction of Workers Councils as a Form of Democratization of Bosnian and Herzegovinian Society during the 1950-ies’ in Ibrahim Karabegovic’s Memorial – Book of Proceedings, Sarajevo 2013, pp. 313-343.


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How to Cite

Katz, Vera. 2014. “A Platform on the Future Yugoslav Community (Izetbegovic- Gligorov Plan): A View from the Perspective of Bosnia and Herzegovina”. Politeja 11 (4 (30):191-209. https://doi.org/10.12797/Politeja.11.2014.30.18.