Network and Networks – The European E-Challenge


  • Paweł Krężołek University of Warsaw



Internet, social media, political network, European Union


Network and political networks have become today an important challenge for Europe. In addition to the opportunities they offer, they also carry a number of risks. The Internet is changing not only the channels of political communication, but also the content of the policy. Unquestionably, the Internet is now one of the determinants of an individual’s position on the social ladder. The use of network resources and possessing digital competences are a condition of being able to access cultural heritage (online distribution channel is becoming the main channel of its promotion), access the offer of the public administration (digitalisation of the public services) and, above all, exercise and search for work (telework, job  advertisements). The Digital Agenda is an important policy challenge for the European Union countries.


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Author Biography

Paweł Krężołek, University of Warsaw

Holds MA in Political Science, currently a PhD candidate at Warsaw University. Specializes in European funds and political analysis. He attempts to connect political expertize with marketing and PR consulting. His research interests focus on social networks and social and political movements, as well as development of the Internet as advanced technology of social communication.


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How to Cite

Krężołek, Paweł. 2017. “Network and Networks – The European E-Challenge”. Politeja 14 (4(49):157-71.