Czang Kaj‑szek – od fascynacji do rozczarowania rewolucją bolszewicką


  • Teresa Łozińska Uniwersytet Jagielloński



China, Chinese political thought, Jiang Jieshi, Bolshevik Revolution


Jiang Jieshi – from fascination to disappointment of the Bolshevik Revolution

This article is dedicated to Jiang Jieshi’s – one of the greatest leaders of 20th century China – attitude to the Bolshevik Revolution. After introduction the author outlines the May Fourth Movement, where it explains the reasons of rejection of the traditional culture by the Chinese intellectuals and their interest in the Russian Revolution. The main part of the article focuses on the reasons of Jiang Jieshi’s fascination of the revolution’s phenomenon, and on the explanation of his disappointment of the Bolshevik Revolution and the Soviet Russia for which his mission to Moscow in 1923 had played a crucial role.


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Author Biography

Teresa Łozińska, Uniwersytet Jagielloński

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How to Cite

Łozińska, Teresa. 2015. “Czang Kaj‑szek – Od Fascynacji Do Rozczarowania Rewolucją Bolszewicką”. Politeja 12 (9 (39):51-65.


