Świadomość grzechu i poczucie świętości jako dwa bieguny tożsamości prawosławnych Rosjan


  • Jakub Kudroń Uniwersytet Jagielloński




identity, sin, holiness, Orthodoxy, Russia


Consciousness of sinfulness and a sense of holiness as two opposite aspects of Russian orthodox Christian identity

We are convinced that it is impossible to indicate and to describe one leading and homogeneous type of identity, which would be common for majority of Russian Federation citizens in the beginning of XXI century. Since the reign of tzsar Peter I, Russian nation and society have been strongly divided into fractions of the followers of western European culture influences, and their conservative opponents, radically devoted to the local traditions. After the Bolshevik revolution and the soviet period situation turned even more complicated, as the attitude towards communism became another factor of national split. In this article we decided to concentrate on the specific type of old‑ Russian, orthodox identity, often named as holly Russia identity – most typical for early Russian state and strongly suppressed by so‑ called modern political movements as well as by communists. We are indicating three foundations of holly Russia identity, which are: language, national and religious community and the Christian orthodox state. All these factors are deeply rooted into religious ground, making holly Russia people orthodox believers, creating relatively harmonious civilization of spiritual, material, legal and political culture built on the same religious basis. This order has been violently destroyed by the Bolshevik revolution and the soviet state. When the Soviet Union collapsed holly Russia tradition was legalized back. Since the election of Vladimir Putin it has been also included into official Russian political order. Unfortunately it is very likely, that Vladimir Putin, former KGB officer is only using traditional symbols as the PR and political weapon.


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Author Biography

Jakub Kudroń, Uniwersytet Jagielloński

Absolwent rosjoznawstwa na Wydziale Studiów Międzynarodowych i Politycznych UJ, obecnie doktorant III roku Interdyscyplinarnych Studiów Doktoranckich na tym samym wydziale. Pod kierownictwem prof. dr hab. Hanny Kowalskiej‑ Stus przygotowuje pracę doktorską na temat roli duchowości prawosławnej w kształtowaniu kulturowego i politycznego oblicza rosyjskiego państwa i narodu. Wcześniejsza publikacja: Орден Картузианцев и православные монашеские традиции. Coвмecтнocть oпытa, coвмecтнocть ugeaлa (2009).


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How to Cite

Kudroń, Jakub. 2013. “Świadomość Grzechu I Poczucie świętości Jako Dwa Bieguny tożsamości prawosławnych Rosjan”. Politeja 10 (4(26):373-87. https://doi.org/10.12797/Politeja.10.2013.26.18.


