En busca del espectáculo prehispánico nahua en fiestas y representaciones teatrales coloniales


  • Agnieszka Brylak Universidad de Varsovia




Nahuas, performance, festival, New Spain, theatre


In Search for Pre‑Hispanic Performance in Colonial Festivals and Theatrical Representations

The aim of this paper is to present civil and religious festivals, as well as theatrical representations, performed in the sixteenth‑century New Spain, as examples of the convergence of elements introduced by the Spaniards and those already existing in the indigenous culture. Taking as a starting point a schematic presentation of such activities as dances, song performances, jugglers’ shows, mock battles and evangelization theater, our objective is to signal that due to the presence of certain pre‑Hispanic patrons for all these endeavors it is risky to qualify the indigenous contribution as superficial and limit it to the audiovisual elements. The issue is much more complex and the adoption of the native perspective, apart from that of the Spaniards, may reveal the profundity of the convergence of features proper to the Old and New World and help to unveil the perception and reception of the sixteenth‑century Mexican performances by its native inhabitants.


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Author Biography

Agnieszka Brylak, Universidad de Varsovia

Works in the Institute of Iberian and Ibero-American Studies and at the Facutly of “Artes Liberales” at the University of Warsaw. She obtained a doctoral degree in the humanities in 2015 with the dissertation “Performances of the pre-Hispanic Nahuas: between anthropolog y and theatre”. Her areas of interest are language and cultureof pre-Hispanic and colonial Nahuas and, particularly, worldview, religion, as well as festivals and performances in Mesoamerica and in New Spain.


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How to Cite

Brylak, Agnieszka. 2015. “En Busca Del espectáculo prehispánico Nahua En Fiestas Y Representaciones Teatrales Coloniales”. Politeja 12 (6 (38):17-34. https://doi.org/10.12797/Politeja.12.2015.38.03.

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