Taniec w kręgu: nowe i dawne communitas


  • Ewa Nowicka Collegium Civitas




circle dance, communitas, ethnic menace, ethnicity, communalism, ritual


Circle Dance: Old and New Communitas

Circle dances are observed in various cultures and times. The paper indicates certain social, political and situational contexts of the phenomenon of communal circle dances in remote territories: Catalonia, Balcans, Sakha (Yakutia), Buriatya and USA. The author offers an interpretation of chosen cases in terms of Victor Turner’s concept of communitas. During the communal dances – sardana, corlu mari, yokhor, osuokhai and ghost dance – the idea of community, equality and unity is dominating over social structure divisions and resulting in forming the psychological and social communitas. This is why all analysed circle dances arise in the context of serious menace and destruction of ethnic integrity. Being together in a very literal sense through physical closeness during the same motoric behaviours, common singing produces feeling of power and unification, reinforcing social identity and affirmation to a group. Circle dances are analysed in association with attempts to preserve group cultural and often even biological integrity.


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Author Biography

Ewa Nowicka, Collegium Civitas

Wykładowca w Collegium Civitas w Warszawie i w Instytucie Socjologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. Autorka podręcznika do antropologii Świat człowieka – świat kultury oraz licznych książek i artykułów poświęconych problematyce swojskości i obcości, kontaktu kultur, powstawania nowych narodów na Syberii, sytuacji kultury mniejszości polskiej na obszarach byłego ZSRR oraz grup mniejszościowych w Polsce i Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej (np. Romowie, Vlasi)


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How to Cite

Nowicka, Ewa. 2014. “Taniec W kręgu: Nowe I Dawne Communitas”. Politeja 11 (5 (31/1):217-41. https://doi.org/10.12797/Politeja.11.2014.31_1.12.