Konserwatyzm kulturowy Neila Postmana jako podejście kulturoznawcze osadzone w perspektywie teoretycznej i tradycji intelektualnej ekologii mediów
media ecology, cultural conservatism, Neil PostmanAbstract
Neil Postman’s cultural conservatism as an approach to cultural studies rooted in the theoretical framework and the intellectual tradition of media ecology
The article strives towards outlining the thought and work of an American theorist and cultural critic Neil Postman (1931‑ 2003) in a wider context of the theory and history of cultural studies. It discusses the main threads of Postman’s cultural commentary and outlines his original concept of cultural conservatism as a narrative rooted in serious reflection on the condition of modern culture, and a coherent theoretical approach firmly rooted in a theoretical framework and an intellectual tradition which Postman had given the name of media ecology. This will maybe help to overcome the Polish interpretative framework by which Postman’s thought and work are often considered to be nothing more than popular essays, and to introduce to the Polish cultural studies discourse the term of media ecology, which so far had been insufficiently recognized.
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