Kłopoty pojęciowe z demokracją

Ujęcie opisowe, semantyczne i normatywne


  • Stanisław Łojek Uniwersytet Jagielloński




democracy, theory, practice, description, meaning, norm


Conceptual problems with democracy. Descriptive, semantic and normative approaches

The conceptual confusion makes it difficult to provide a convincing answer to the question of what democracy is. One reason of this, which I would like to analyze below, is a intermingling of the descriptive, normative and semantic elements in almost each theory of democracy. I will show that a pure description is probably impossible, and that any attempt to approach the actual functioning of any regime necessarily contains normative assessment and expectations. In conclusion, I point out that a fair comparison of democratic models and practices requires a special effort to separate the normative and descriptive elements. I also note that the study of normative assumptions underlying some commonly accepted views of democracy allows a better understanding of their theoretical and practical circumstances and consequences, which in turn can contribute to their revision.


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Author Biography

Stanisław Łojek, Uniwersytet Jagielloński

Adiunkt w Instytucie Europeistyki Uniwerytetu Jagiellońskiego. Wydane książki: Obrona Nietzschego. Rzecz o odpowiedzialności (Kęty 2002); Hegel i Nietzsche wobec problemu polityczności (Wrocław 2002); Megalopsychokracja. O cnocie w polityce i polityce cnoty. (Od Homera do Arendt i Straussa) (Wrocław 2009).


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How to Cite

Łojek, Stanisław. 2013. “Kłopoty pojęciowe Z demokracją: Ujęcie Opisowe, Semantyczne I Normatywne”. Politeja 10 (1 (23):275-88. https://doi.org/10.12797/Politeja.10.2013.23.13.


