Paratopic Recollections. Communism in Swedish Collective Memory


  • Adrian Velicu independent researcher



memory, communism, Sweden, Europeanization, paratopic


This paper discusses the collective memory of communism in Sweden after 1989 and its role in the process of Europeanization. Sweden lacks the direct experience of communism and any such recollections are bound to be mediated. Such memories of experiences outside the Swedish political and social context (para-contextual or para-topic instances) are examined in terms of transnational collective memory. That is why the analysis treats these memories as part of the process of Europeanization. The material amounts to institutional and rhetorical examples featuring the memory of communism. Three sets of concepts help scrutinize these sources: Klas-Göran Karlsson’s view of three-wave European integration (economic, political and cultural), Avishai Margalit’s distinction between ‘thick’ (family, nation) and ‘thin’ (humanity) communities of remembrance where the ethics of memory can work transnationally in a context of human rights, and Jeffrey Andrew Barash’s connection between ‘public memory’ and ‘imagination’. By discussing the material within this framework, the argument concludes that paratopic recollections and the dynamics of Europeanization converge, highlighting a new aspect in this process of integration.


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Author Biography

Adrian Velicu, independent researcher

after university studies in Bucharest, Helsinki and Uppsala, completed a PhD in English Literature at Uppsala University (Unifying Strategies in Virginia Woolf’s Experimental Fiction, Uppsala 1985). Between 1981-1992 he worked in London as a radio producer and journalist for the BBC World Service. Back in Sweden, a period of studies and part-time teaching in the history of ideas at Gothenburg University led to a PhD in the History of Ideas (Versions of Exile Morality. Refugees in Britain, 1790-1845, Göteborg 2001). His interest in the 18th century resulted in several shorter studies and the monograph Civic Catechisms and Reason in the French Revolution (London 2010). At Karlstad University (2003-2015), apart from teaching and researching the history of ideas, he has been part of a research group working on collective memory. Among the resulting publications, one can mention European Cultural Memory Post-89 (ed. with Conny Mithander, John Sundholm, Amsterdam 2013). During 2018, Adrian Velicu is visiting researcher at the University of Copenhagen, Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies.


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How to Cite

Velicu, Adrian. 2018. “Paratopic Recollections. Communism in Swedish Collective Memory”. Politeja 15 (1(52):167-88.