Przyszłość Unii Europejskiej: możliwe kierunki zmian
European Union, Conference on the Future of Europe, change, institutions, civil societyAbstract
The crises of recent years have revealed the weakness of the European Union in many areas. This, in turn, contributed to the debate on its current state and necessary changes, inter alia, at the Conference on the Future of Europe. And although there are many arguments for the need for reforms, among other things, in order for the Union to better cope with challenges both internally and in its external environment, no Intergovernmental Conference has been convened so far. However, this does not mean that reform is impossible or unlikely, nor does it mean that there are no changes taking place in the European Union. The article will present the positions of institutions, member states and civil society regarding the necessary changes, and, above all, it will outline the directions of necessary and possible changes. The article will be descriptive, analytical, and comparative in nature.
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