Good Governance as a New Form of Management in the Context of the Europe 2020 Strategy


  • Marek Świstak Jagiellonian University



Good Governance, Europe 2020 Strategy, Governance, European Union


The purpose of this article is to analyse the concept of good governance in the context of the implementation of the Europe 2020 Strategy. The analysis of the application of “good governance” in the implementation of the EU individual policies shows that it is an issue to which an important role from the point of view of grouping as a whole is assigned. As the crisis in the EU deepens, it becomes increasingly important. Meanwhile, the analysis of the state of “good governance” implementation in the aspect proposed by the EU indicates that the appropriate role was assigned to “good governance” at the level of strategic documents. The situation is different when it comes to the relation between “good governance” concept and its implementation in practice. It concerns not only the EU as a whole but also the individual countries such as Poland. Here, progress is mainly dependent on whether the implementation of a particular policy which is characterised by the relevant priorities and principles brings tangible benefits for national interests.


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Author Biography

Marek Świstak, Jagiellonian University

A lecturer in the Department of the Political System of the EU at the Institute of European Studies of the Jagiellonian University. His interests include the public policies of the EU, including the regional policy, the Common Agricultural Policy, the policy of the protection of the environment, the policy of the job market and the EU funds. He is the author or co-author of six monographs and joint publications in this field. Recently he published inter alia: Projekty europejskie. Praktyczne aspekty pozyskiwania i rozliczania dotacjiunijnych (2011) [European projects. Practical aspects of the acquisition and balancing EU grants], Fundusze Unii Europejskiej a pozaekonomiczne czynniki wzrostu gospodarczego (2012) [EU funds and extra-economic factors of economic growth], Encyklopedia polityki regionalnej i funduszy europejskich (2013) [The encyclopedia of regional policy and EU funds], Wybrane polityki publiczne Unii Europejskiej. Stan i perspektywy (2015) [Selected public policies of the European Union. Current status and perspectives].


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How to Cite

Świstak, Marek. 2016. “Good Governance As a New Form of Management in the Context of the Europe 2020 Strategy”. Politeja 13 (4 (43):43-61.


