Dobro wspólne czy interesy?
W poszukiwaniu fundamentów nowoczesnego społeczeństwa: studium przypadku – Unia Europejska
common good, interest, advantage/profit, citizenship, social order, civic society, European UnionAbstract
The Common Good or the Interest? In Search for the Founding Stones of the Modern Society: Case Study – European Union
The philosophical reflection on the common good, as one of the primary normative principles, and in this sense also the “founding stones” of a well-structured social life, has a multifaceted, diverse range of proposed approaches and solutions and a well-documented output. Bearing in mind the centuries-long theoretical and practical importance and validity of this concept in the European thought and practice of socially and politically organized collective life, the subject of my reflections is to raise the question of the cognitive and normative importance and validity of this concept for today’s Europe in the context of the European Union project contained in the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe, signed on October 29, 2004 in Rome.
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