Samorząd lokalny na Ukrainie: forma, która nie stała się treścią


  • Myrosława Lendel Użhorodzki Uniwersytet Narodowy
  • Switłana Buła Lwowski Uniwersytet Narodowy im. Iwana Franki



decentralization, local democracy, local government, Ukraine


Local government in Ukraine: the form without content

Ukrainian crisis of 2013/2014 that is perceived as Euromaidan can be explained, besides other external reasons, also in the terms of the mental and societal conflict between formally democratic, but non‑working legal norms, and the clientele, even feudal political practice. The ideal of democracy can be tested on the local level where the government structures are physically closer to citizens that can use the mechanisms of the direct and other forms of democracy. But in Ukraine the scenario of the rapid and radical transition towards the principles of the local democracy that was implemented in some Central‑European countries was not realized because of the inherited system of the centralized governance, the administrative and territorial division, lack of the motivated elite, non‑activist type of the political culture. The existing legal environment for functioning of the elected councils and mayors did not stimulated the efficient development of the local communities, as well as the faith of the citizens in the role of the political decision‑making, that is the core of the local democracy. Set of the political discourses that are vital in the modern Ukraine and connected with the question of the political system renovation is centered around the decentralization of power, construction of the new scheme of the administrative division of Ukrainian regions. The adoption of the new Constitution in the pair with the political activism of Ukrainian can be a starting point for the construction of the vital local government filled with the sense of democracy.


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Author Biographies

Myrosława Lendel, Użhorodzki Uniwersytet Narodowy

Kierownik Katedry Politologii i Zarządzania Pań-stwem Użhorodzkiego Uniwersytetu Narodowego (Ukraina).

Switłana Buła, Lwowski Uniwersytet Narodowy im. Iwana Franki

Doktor nauk politycznych, docent Katedry Politologii Lwowskiego Uniwersytetu Narodowego im. Iwana Franki (Ukraina).


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How to Cite

Lendel, Myrosława, and Switłana Buła. 2015. “Samorząd Lokalny Na Ukrainie: Forma, która Nie stała Się treścią”. Politeja 12 (2 (34/1):93-106.