Venezuelan Catholic Church over the 19th and 20th Centuries


  • Agustín Moreno Molina


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Catholic Church, Venezuela, 19th and 20th centuries


The Catholic Church is a binding element for understanding the historical process of Venezuela after the three hundred years of Spanish rule, during which time, and along with the various forms of institutions inherited from the mother country, customs and values were established that contributed to the development of the country. In this essay, we make an assessment of the role of the Catholic Church during the independence process, of its conflicts with the new republic during the second half of the nineteenth century, and the gradual recovery of its social presence during the dictatorship of Juan Vicente Gómez. Then, with the onset of representative democracy, the Church’s relation with the political power becomes regularized within a legal framework that allows it to continue in the exercise of his pastoral duties in a climate of respect and collaboration, but with a critical sense to the great problems of society.


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Biogram autora

Agustín Moreno Molina

Caracas 1952, Professor, Doctor in History (Central University of Venezuela), Master’s degree in History of Venezuela (Universidad Católica Andrés Bello), Specialist in Dogmatic Theology (Gregorian University of Rome), Bachelor of Theology (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana). Affiliated to the Centre for the humanistic Research and Training (CIF) of the UCAB. Director of Graduate Education in civic values and Professor at the Faculty of Humanities and Education and the Faculty of Engineering at the same university. Author of: Entre la pobreza y el desorden. El funcionamiento del gobierno durante la presidencia de José Gregorio Monagas (UCAB, Caracas 2004), La Universidad de Ayer y Hoy (UCAB, Caracas 2005); y José Gregorio Monagas. Biblioteca Biográfica Venezolana, Vol. 43, El Nacional, Caracas 2006). Co‑author of: Nuevas Propuestas para la Educación en Valores (Paulinas, Caracas 2001), Educar para vivir. Cuatro enfoques desde la educación en valores (Paulinas – UCAB, Caracas 2003) and Actualidad de los valores en Venezuela, (Funtrapet – UCAB, Caracas 2005), and Globalización: visiones y desafíos (Funtrapet – UCAB).


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Jak cytować

Moreno Molina, Agustín. 2013. „Venezuelan Catholic Church over the 19th and 20th Centuries”. Politeja 10 (2 (24):291-313.