Wybrane obszary relacji międzykulturowych – propozycja teoretyczno-badawcza
intercultural relations, political participation, labor market, education, housingAbstract
Selected Aresas of Intercultural Relations – Possible Theoretical and Analytical Approach
Broadly understood intercultural relations characterizing all individual and collective interactions occur in various differentiated areas like inter alia: politics, social life, labor market, education or housing. These areas constitute exemplification of dimensions in which intercultural relations can be studied and analyzed in detail. For instance: who and on what condition is granted access to basic/medium/high education of good quality; what can be said about the circumstances determining entering of foreigners on the local labor market; is the political participation a common practice among members of a given society, and in terms of housing – how it is arranged to meet particular and collective needs of a community/society constructed to be mono- or multiethnic groups. The paper tries to deliver possible theoretical approaches for analysis.
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