Obraz życia i śmierci w kobiecych narracjach Wielkiej Wojny na podstawie materiałów z Galicji Wschodniej





life and death, Eastern Galicia, First World War, women's discourse


Images of Life and Death in Women’s Discourse on the Great War (Based on Materials from Eastern Galicia)

´The First World War changed the relatively stable and comprehensible life of women in Eastern Galicia. It made everyone ponder over the concepts of life and death. Women hardly thought about life in the war in philosophical categories. For them it was an everyday struggle. ´The war manifested the contrast of life and death, and at the same time, immediately led the women to assert that the boundary between being and non-existence was too blurry, almost unreal, and could be crossed at any moment. The fear of death was usually greater when women obtained higher education and their living conditions were better, and the attitude to death depended on what place it occupied in the system of values of the whole society, as well as that of the individual, and on women’s subjective perception of the phenomenon of death. Life became more valuable at the end of the war.


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Author Biography

Marjana Bajdak, Lwowski Uniwersytet Narodowy im. Iwana Franki

Kandydatka nauk historycznych, asystentka w Katedrze Historii Nowoczesnej im. M. Hruszewśkiego na Lwowskim Uniwersytecie Narodowym im. I. Franki, członkini Ukraińskiego Stowarzyszenia Badaczy Historii Kobiet (Українська асоціація дослідників жіночої історії). Specjalizuje się w historii kobiet, gender studies, antropologii, historii życia codziennego oraz historii I wojny światowej.


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How to Cite

Bajdak, Marjana. 2017. “Obraz życia I śmierci W Kobiecych Narracjach Wielkiej Wojny Na Podstawie materiałów Z Galicji Wschodniej”. Krakowskie Pismo Kresowe 9 (November):73-89. https://doi.org/10.12797/KPK.09.2017.09.03.