Chrześcijańska Antygona, czyli interpretacja tragedii Sofoklesa dokonana przez Juliusza Osterwę pod wpływem wybuchu II wojny światowej




Antigone, Sophocles, Juliusz Osterwa


Christian Antigone

Sophocles’ Antigone is one of the most famous ancient tragedy in Polish culture and it is also most often translated one into Polish. In 1939/1940 Juliusz Osterwa, famous actor, director and leader of the Reduta theatre, translated Sophocles’ Antigone into Polish. The outbreak of the II World War, that moved Osterwa very deeply, and his ideas of the Christian roots of European culture as well as the ideas of the crisis of spirituality in modern culture, that crystallized at that time, caused that he filled his translation of Greek tragedy, on its every possible level, with as many elements connected with Christian religion as possible. It makes Osterwa’s Antigone one of the units in the long translation chain, in which Greek Antigone becomes Polish Antigone. But most of all it makes Osterwa’s Antigone very significant and characteristic witness of its own time.


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How to Cite

Bibik, B. (2015). Chrześcijańska Antygona, czyli interpretacja tragedii Sofoklesa dokonana przez Juliusza Osterwę pod wpływem wybuchu II wojny światowej. Między Oryginałem a Przekładem, 21(3/29), 107–119.