Roma People in Virtual Reality


  • Joanna Talewicz-Kwiatkowska Jagiellonian University in Kraków



Romani people, Gypsy, Roma people, internet, stereotypes, identity


Stereotypical perceptions of Roma people as those who like to walk along forest paths to camps, or stories about Gypsy fairies with crystal balls have nothing in common with such trendy and contemporary terms as new technologies. How can one imagine a stereotypical Roma who loves horses and campfires surfing the Internet? How do we discuss changes in men-women relations in the context of a patriarchal community in which women have no right to express their opinions and are literally captive? Undoubtedly, a lack of knowledge about Roma people, and with often the only alternative in the form of stereotypical information excludes them from the discussion on cultural changes related to technological development. At the same time media, including the Internet, are important not only in the context of activism of Roma leaders and organizations, but also with reference to people who want to fight against the negative image of Roma people in public space, regardless of membership or lack of membership in Roma organizations.


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How to Cite

Talewicz-Kwiatkowska, Joanna. 2019. “Roma People in Virtual Reality”. Politeja 16 (4(61):131-48.