Relacje brazylijsko-amerykańskie w XXI w. - trudne partnerstwo


  • Monika Sawicka Uniwersytet Jagielloński



Brazil, United States, Dilma Rousseff administration, economic cooperation


Brazil‑U.S. Relations in the 21st Century – A Difficult Partnership

The paper examines the evolution of US‑Brazilian relations at the turn of the 20th and 21st century. Factors such as the divergence of geopolitical views held in both countries after the end of the Cold War, Brazil’s longstanding aspirations to become a major power in a multipolar world, new tensions that arose after September 11 and the US “war on terror” as well as president Lula da Silva’s (2003‑2010) engagement in a fuel swap deal with Iran led to a complicated relation between the United States and Brazil in the first decade of the 21st century. Lula da Silva’s successor Dilma Rousseff (2011‑2016) declared to continue his policy. An analysis of her rule allows to claim that mutual relations were to a large extent overshadowed by controversial topics such as a UN Security Council reform and the NSA spying controversy. Yet, Mrs Rousseff ’s administration also managed to show visible efforts to focus on more pragmatic issues of economic and technological cooperation contributing to a possible improvement of future U.S.‑Brazil relations.


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Author Biography

Monika Sawicka, Uniwersytet Jagielloński

Absolwentka stosunków międzynarodowych oraz filologii portugalskiej na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim, stypendystka Universidade do Porto. Obecnie studentka studiów III stopnia w Instytucie Nauk Politycznych i Stosunków Międzynarodowych UJ. Jej zainteresowania badawcze skupiają się na kulturze i polityce Brazylii, współpracy państw rozwijających się oraz działalności tzw. wschodzących dawców pomocy rozwojowej.


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How to Cite

Sawicka, Monika. 2016. “Relacje Brazylijsko-amerykańskie W XXI W. - Trudne Partnerstwo”. Politeja 13 (4 (43):139-66.


