Ukraina w europejskim kontekście pluralizmu religijnego i tolerancji


  • Andrij Jurasz Ministerstwo Kultury Ukrainy



confession, confessional status of the society, religious‑confessional diversity, monoconfessionality, biconfessionality, polyconfessionality, identification, confessional transformations


Ukraine in the European Context of Religious Plurality and Tolerance

Modern Ukrainian polyconfessionalism is viewed through the prism of the historical preconditions (in particular defining the confessional status of the Ukrainian society and clarifying the mechanisms of the main confessional transformations) of formation of this phenomena at the purely Ukrainian ethnical ground as well as in the general polyethnical Ukrainian social context. Role of the modern polyconfessionality in Ukraine in the implementation of the Euro‑integrational processes and prospects of its development for the future are also discussed.


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Author Biography

Andrij Jurasz, Ministerstwo Kultury Ukrainy

Dyrektor Departamentu ds. Wyznań Religijnych i Narodowości ukraińskiego Ministerstwa Kultury.


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How to Cite

Jurasz, Andrij. 2015. “Ukraina W Europejskim kontekście Pluralizmu Religijnego I Tolerancji”. Politeja 12 (2 (34/1):177-99.